Seconds Can Change A Life: Recognizing And Responding To Infantile Spasms

Infantile spasms also known as West syndrome is a rare and severe form of epilepsy that affects infants. These seizures are brief frequent jerks, which could result in long-term developmental issues should they not be treated quickly. Knowing the symptoms of infantile jerks as an adult can change the course of your child’s development. Act today Infantile Spasms Videos

Spot the signs The symptoms of infantile spasms are

The infantile spasms may be subtle and can be easily misinterpreted as normal baby movements. However, there are some characteristics that you should be aware of:

Spasms that occur suddenly typically affect the neck and the upper portion of the body. The result is that they be able to bend rapidly forward. Legs and arms may also move rapidly.

The triggers may be seen in groups of several spasms in an insignificant amount of time (seconds to minute). These clusters of spasms can be experienced throughout the entire day.

Change in expression Babies might cry or seem agitated during flashes.

The power of video Capturing Infantile Spasms to aid in Early Diagnosis

You need to act quickly if you think your child may be experiencing infantile spasms. In order to get an early diagnosis and a successful treatment, every second counts. This is where recording a video could save your life:

Visual evidence. The recording of your child’s having a cluster of spasms can be extremely helpful to doctors to diagnose the problem. These small events can not be noticed during a physician’s visit.

Clear video footage can help doctors identify infantile seizures. It also helps distinguish them from other kinds of seizures, or normal movements in infants.

Swifter treatment: A prompt diagnosis allows for treatment to begin swiftly possibly reducing the risk of developmental delays associated with non-treated infantile spasms.

Don’t put off: Take Action If You Think Your Child is Having Spasms

If you notice your child experiencing suspected infantile spasms:

Capture a video Make use of your smartphone or camera to record an uncluttered video of the spasms. Make sure you record the most detail you can.

Make an appointment with your pediatrician immediately. It’s important to get your child in the presence of a doctor. Discuss your concerns, provide the video footage, and stress the urgency of the situation.

If you require emergency medical attention In the event that immediate access to your pediatrician is not possible, bring your child along with the video to the closest emergency facility which treats children.

Early Intervention is the first step to Protecting Your Child’s Future

Infantile spasms could be the cause to cause serious developmental setbacks that can be a result of a variety of problems, including intellectual disabilities, autism spectrum disorder and cerebral palsy. To maximize your child’s chance of regaining and achieving developmental milestones, it is essential to identify and treat them promptly. Infantile spasms can be treated with a variety including diet changes, to medications. In more severe cases, surgery may be required. By addressing the issue with the appropriate medical treatment as quickly as possible parents can improve chances of minimizing the long-term effects and helping their child in his or the path to improving motor and cognitive performance.

Keep in mind: Don’t dismiss your gut feeling if you think there’s something not right with your child. Always better to be safe instead of sorry. If you are aware of signs of infantile spasms recording a video when you witness them, and seeking urgent medical attention, you can take vital steps towards ensuring your child’s health and future wellbeing.


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